General Questions
Directly using our ADEPTsuite API.
Yes we support DJDE structures of LCDS along with Metacode.
We can extract information to CSV or XML that can then be imported into any database.
The ADEPTsuite batch processes can be run multiple times on one machine simultaneously.
Paper tray mapping from AFP or Metacode printers to PCL or PostScript printers is supported.
Yes, we handle all the Machine and ANSI PCC bytes.
You can start and stop transforming pages anywhere you like or you can select to transform the entire file.
You can change the name of the output file by assigning a prefix, a length, and/or an index type of numeric, alpha field, or alphanumeric. For example, you can use an account number as an output file name.
ADEPTsuite can work with AFP files with inline resources and resources called from libraries, interchangeably.
PDF Processing
When an AFP file is converted into PDF once the fonts are mapped, the size is reduced to approximately 20% of its original size. As an example, a PDF file with no mapping is 93kb. Once converted from AFP to PDF with fonts mapped, the same file is 23kb.
Compression is available for PDF
ADEPTsuite lets you easily index files and extract information to CSV for XML formats. In addition, each file can be separated by index value, which can also be used as the output file names. For example, the account number, once it is indexed can be used as an output file name.
You can insert an image in PNG, GIF or JPEG format to simulate pre-printed documents.
You do not have to do font mapping in PDF. ADEPTsuite will convert characters to a Type 3 font, as needed. Only those characters used are added to the fonts, which keeps the file size small.
You can select shading options that will make the document lighter or darker. You can choose to set a gray scale saturation level based on a percentage and/or display text and shading in reverse.
Adobe versions 1.2 and 1.3 are supported.
Files that can be converted to PDF include Metacode, AFP, Line Data, PCL, PDF, and PostScript.
Currently, you cannot embed hyperlinks or bookmarks into the output PDF but we are looking into it and this capability is currently on our roadmap. There is bookmarking capability in the ADEPTsuite API.
Release information
Hundreds of customers use ADEPTsuite.
Major releases are produced semi annually.
Minor releases are produced quarterly.
Maintenance releases are driven by customer demand.
You need to run an easy to use Install Wizard to upgrade to a new release.
Currently, all releases are supported.
ADEPTsuite setup and configuration must be performed on a Windows machine. The production or batch process can be run on Linux, Solaris or AIX.
The ADEPTsuite API's are not Windows dependent.
ADEPTsuite is written in C++. The ADEPTsuite APIs are “C” interfaces, which also have a Java interface.
The minimum system requirements are Pentium 3, 800 MHz with 128 RAM.
ADEPTsuite was first developed in 2002.