High volume PDF user accessible document creation

  • ADEPT UA offers an enterprise wide solution for automated, high-volume, PDF/UA creation, and  accessibility remediation. Test and fix your PDF accessibility issues in minutes.

  • It addresses all types of transactional digital PDF documents such as bills, statements, notices, policy contracts, tickets, so you can ensure they pass international accessibility test before being released to the public.

  • ADEPT UA ensures universal accessibility for all users, making it perfect for organisations that require an on-premises, secure high volume solution, than can be operated by anyone.

  • ADEPT UA’s modern, robust architecture is designed to accommodate dynamic documents eliminating the need for ongoing intervention.

Watch this short video overview


Banking & Finance

In the financial / banking industry, sharing public-facing digital content that is not accessible presents legal risk. S4SSL and CDP's ADEPT UA software offers a comprehensive solution. Outdated tools hinder accessibility compliance, leaving financial documents, often containing complex tables, inaccessible.

However, ADEPT UA's powerful table handling features enable seamless conversion of high-volume documents into accessible formats, ensuring compliance with regulations. Financial service firms can now effortlessly create universally accessible content, safeguarding against litigation risks and ensuring customer retention.


ADEPT UA software by S4SSL and CDP automates accessibility for high-volume, public-facing insurance documents. Presenting documents such as policy contracts and benefit booklets without accessibility features is no longer acceptable or legally compliant.

With dynamic document handling and advanced table features, ADEPT UA ensures automated compliance with accessibility regulations. Insurance companies can now release universally accessible content, reducing legal risks and providing equal access to all customers.

Print Bureaus

ADEPT UA software is a versatile solution that caters to various industries and document types, making it perfect for Print Bureaus with clients in a variety of industries.

ADEPT UA could be your USP as very few bureaus have embraced PDF/UA documents so early adaptors will get ahead of the game.

Any high-volume, enterprise, transactional PDF, or predictably formatted PDF can be seamlessly converted to PDF/UA, ensuring accessibility compliance.

With ADEPT UA, you can effortlessly transform transactional documents like letters, statements, pay slips, notices, bills, client notifications, receipts, boarding passes, and more into universally accessible formats.

ADEPT UA's automated approach guarantees that these documents are accessible and compliant without the need for manual intervention, streamlining processes and enhancing inclusivity across diverse contexts.


ADEPT UA software revolutionises the education sector, championing Inclusion, Equity, Diversity, and Accessibility. It automates accessibility for critical documents like report cards, enrolment/admissions materials, and alumni communications, ensuring full compliance with accessibility regulations.

With ADEPT UA's dynamic document handling, educational institutions can provide universally accessible content, fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for all students, alumni, and stakeholders. Moreover, ADEPT UA allows for the repurposing of key fields as HTML email summaries, further enhancing accessibility.

This transformative approach highlights the institution's commitment to accessibility, promoting diversity, reducing legal risks, and strengthening trust in the education provided.


ADEPT UA software empowers governments at all levels to enhance public-facing communications, including HMRC documents. It automates accessibility for high-volume government documents, ensuring compliance with accessibility regulations.

With ADEPT UA's dynamic document handling, governments can deliver universally accessible content, fostering transparency and engagement with citizens.

Additionally, ADEPT UA enables the repurposing of key fields as HTML email summaries, which accompany the attached PDF documents. This comprehensive approach demonstrates commitment to inclusivity, reduces legal risks, and enhances trust in public services.

Key Benefits of ADEPT UA

Automated Tagging

Save time and repetitive work using our automated tagging. Add PDF/UA tagging for elements including Headings, Paragraphs, Images, Tables, and more. There are parameters for fine-tuning in the unlikely event the document layout is not suitable for automated tagging.

Reading Order

Control the reading order of elements ensuring a coherent content flow. Even complex layouts with multiple columns and tables can be organised into the ideal reading order. There are lots of options to fine-tune.

Scale up easily

Distil remediation efforts into a template which can be applied to a high-volume of documents using automation. This is an enterprise solution and can handle huge volumes.

Make complex tables readable

Streamlined table setup with Advanced Table Logic, accommodating various types of complex tables such as those with varying column counts, spanning across pages, intersecting columns, and more.

Dynamic Documents

Reduce or eradicate manual intervention. ADEPT UA automatically parses and remediates documents element by element, reducing the need for manual intervention. Unlike traditional static-document approaches, ADEPT UA can remediate a broader range of documents with minimal intervention, making it a set-it-and-forget-it solution.

Flexible and Adaptable

ADEPT UA is Highly Configurable and seamlessly integrates into your existing infrastructure, offering flexibility and configurability without the need for costly and time-consuming system reengineering.

Extract content from documents

Easily extract content from documents with this adaptable solution. Re-use important fields, and export them as HTML. This feature is especially handy for generating summary emails to accompany PDF/UA attachments.

World Class Support

Our experience with data streams is known throughout the industry, and we are here to help. We can assist with training or provide professional services to offer anything from guidance to a turnkey solution.

Legislation and International Standards

ADEPT UA enables companies to comply with a wide range of accessibility legislations and standards worldwide, including the following requirements. Also see the UK Association for Accessible Formats site here (opens new window).

Accessibility standard

PDF/UA ISO Standard 14289

Accessibility standard

EN 301 509 (European standard for digital accessibility)

Accessibility standard

EN 2016/2102 (Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament

Accessibility standard WCAG 2.2 AA


Accessibility standard Section 508 (Federal Electronic and Information Technology)

Section 508 (Federal Electronic and Information Technology)

Accessibility standard ACA (Bill C-81 Accessible Canada Act)

ACA (Bill C-81 Accessible Canada Act)

Accessibility standard Section 1557 (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Section 1557 (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Accessibility standard ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)

ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)

Accessibility standard AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act)

AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act)

California Code

California Code

User interface and non PDF/UA comparison

ADEPT UA user interface screenshot
Listening without the PDF/UA addition versus listening with it. Without the UA code the results can be confusing.

How does it work?

Unlike most product in the enterprise testing market ADEPT UA is user friendly and the user interface runs on a Windows PC platform.

You import the PDF data stream you want to work with. You then use a drag and drop interface to define the data on the page and in what order it's read out in a screen reader. This is done by creating a "template".

You can define headings, 1-6, bullets, para text and more, and define in what order they are read, which is really important for any document that's not a simple vertically formatted bunch of text. For example addresses, totals, marketing messages, and most notably text in multiple columns.

Learn more about dynamic architecture

Where can I run ADEPT UA?

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

ADEPT UA’s intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) serves as a powerful digital remediation studio. Leverage remediation efforts into a reusable production accessibility template and effortlessly produce PDF/UA files for proof of concept.


Add ADEPT UA to your production workflow to Accelerate Accessibility by Transforming high-volume and repetitive documents into accessible and compliant formats without changing your infrastructure.


Utilize ADEPT UA to seamlessly convert archived historic PDFs into PDF/UA format on-demand during retrieval, effortlessly by integrating into your existing architecture.

Interested? Please get in touch