VKM - Frequently Asked Questions Does VKM have an automated feature for queuing files and processing them? Expand Yes. How long is the retention period? Expand The client determines the retention cycle for each report How long is the retention period for off line or off site storage of backups? Expand The client determines the retention cycle for each report Do VKM users have interactive access to the repository/archive? Expand VKM users have interactive access to the repository/archive What is the desired output format for the retrieval of retained reports? Expand You define the output format. Supported viewing formats include the original format, HTML, PDF and Bitmap Do VKM users have the ability to re-print or redisplay reports from print images and from stored instances containing data and formatting? Expand Yes. Can VKM users extract data from reports without access to the database? Expand To extract data from reports without access to the database you need our AdeptSuite product Does VKM support rule-based archiving including file level, folder level, type or category? Is VKM user or role based? Expand Yes. Is VKM user or role based? Expand Both user and role based. How many customers do you have? Expand Hundreds of customers use VKM. What is the frequency of major releases? Expand Major releases are produced semi annually What is the frequency of minor releases? Expand Minor releases are produced quarterly What is the frequency of maintenance releases? Expand Maintenance releases are driven by customer demand How far back are VKM releases backward compatible? Expand Currently, all data stored by all VKM versions is still accessible What are the minimum system requirements? Expand The minimum system requirements are Pentium 3, 800 MHz with 128 RAM Are the VKM API's Windows dependent? Expand The VKM API's are not Windows dependent What language is VKM written in? Expand VKM is written in C/C++ VKM OVERVIEW VKM ARCHITECTURE VKM FEATURES VKM FAQs VKM CASE STUDIES STREAMDIFF ADEPT SUITE Please get in touch Your name Please enter your name. Your email Please enter a valid email. Your message Please enter a message. Send Message failed. Please try again.